Since 1974 TurboStart Standard Pressure Air Starters Have Led the Industry in Reliability, Simplicity, and Less Maintenance
TDI engineers began with the idea of making the world's most reliable air starters for ground applications with concepts like fewer moving parts, air optimization, torque maximization, installation simplicity, and resistance to contaminants.

If you've ownded a TurboStart over the last 30 years you've probably come to appreciate things like . . . no need for a lubricated air drive . . . no concern for dirty environments because a TDI will run any kind of air/gas . . . smaller packages that pack more power . . . a simple planetary gear design that makes installation easy and service even easier . . . and of course a price tag that is often a fraction of FAA-approved starters.

Seamless & Economical
Retrofit For Aeroderivative Starters
From Air Research, Honeywell and Parker
The Industry's Most Reliable Clutch System

TDI's unique Sprag Clutch evenly distributes torque across 22 points of contact (compared to three on typical systems) which reduces wear by over 400%, extending life, assuring reliability, and eliminating the need for temperamental ramping controls.