TDI's New Low Pressure Line of Gas Turbine Engine Air Starters "Fit" Existing Aeroderivative Start Systems

Switching from expensive aeroderivative starters toTurboStart industrial turbine air starters used to require a significant amount of engineering and purchasing of new regulators and control valves and other equipment. But not any more. The new low pressure models operate on 50 psi max pressure enabling a much easier retrofit into existing aeroderivative start systems.

5 Models to Fit Almost All Gas Turbine Engines
56A-LP Pratt & Whitney, Rolls Royce 56B-LP Allison, Dresser Clark, GE 56G-LP GE LM500, LM1000, LM1500, LM5000, LM6000 56K-LP Allison 56S-LP Solar Saturn
Power 155 hp Operating Pressure 50 Max. psi Supply Air Compressed Air or Natural Gas Weight 48 lbs. (21.8 kg)

Seamless & Economical
Retrofit For
From Air Research, Honeywell and Parker
The Industry's Most Reliable Clutch System
TDI's unique Sprag Clutch evenly distributes torque across 22 points of contact (compared to three on typical systems) which reduces wear by over 400%, extending life, assuring reliability, and eliminating the need for temperamental ramping controls.